Last week I stayed with my parents for a few days during spring break. My younger sister was also on her spring break and my older sister was in town for her baby shower. My entire family was at home! Weird. I brought the girls with me since my younger sister LOVES Summer. Let me give you some background on my little sister so you can understand how monumental this is.
We acquired a small white cat when I was in middle school. This cat was named Mr. Fluffy. He was the devil. My younger sister quickly became afraid of cats. Mr. Fluffy could sense her fear and would enjoy hiding under furniture and jumping out to attack her when she least expected it. Actually we all were targets of his attacks
. However my little sister was the one left with the an intense dislike for cats and wariness of other creatures.
In my sophmore year I brought home a cat I rescued from the local shelter. My little sister yelled at me and would not let the cat near her. It took some coaxing but she began to slowly trust my cat, Nebula, and soon fell in love with her. Nebbies (one of her many nicknames) forever changed her opinion. She was a cool kitty.
So when we first brought Summer to my parents house my sister was much more open to animals, especially since Summer was only a few months old and the most adorable puppy.
Easter 2011 - Who wouldn't love this precious face? |
The day my sister (right) met baby Summer. |
My younger sister got to spend a few more weekends with Summer and then a week over Christmas break. She was so excited to get to snuggle with her this past week. Summer knows that my younger sister is the one to go to for snuggles. However Summer spent quite a bit of time laying at my older sister's feet. I swear she knew that my sister was pregnant.
Summer cuddling with her sister and her favorite aunt over spring break. |
Even though my family was never against pit bulls they still were wary of them from what they had seen on the news. I'm so glad my family knows what a wonderful breed this is. My little sister commented on her tumblr,
I have a snoring pit bull sleeping on me who is trying to cuddle me to death. Obviously this breed is very dangerous.
And someone replied with - They also like to give people heart attacks with their cuteness, watch out! Hehe.
So what are some cute things you have heard people say about their pit bulls?